Monday, March 2, 2009

A Beginning

My first Blog post...... I am so late to the party... of course I think it has more to do with having been an early adoptor of the Internet lifestyle, way back in the early 90's.... I had a dial-up connection to NetIowa on a tty *nix server, using text based html, at a blazing 14.4 .... later I started the ISP in my home town. I burned up on that in 7 years and later I sold out to pay off the then x-wife, and lost everything I had worked for. Ouch! She seemed ok with it all..... yeah, still a little under the craw there, but until I started writing this post, I hadn't thought of it in years.... really.... I may not show anyone I know this blog... or maybe I might. I think in some way it will be a bit cathartic to blog out the next few months... we'll see!

It should be a fun ride..... literally!

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