Monday, April 6, 2009

The Big Let Down

I made one last call to Ma's cycles... no bars. Not gunna happen, may be able to get them by the end of summer. I ordered these crash bars TWO MONTHS ago. I have been in weekly phone conversations for the last month. I should have been told it wasn't going to happen weeks ago!!!!! They knew I had a dead line!

I *HAD* plenty of time, but I wanted to go with the USA made porduct. I wanted to spenmd the money as local as I could. Now I am fetching and getting and jumping thorugh hoops to fond a set, anmy set I can get in a week!

I am thoroughly FURIOUS at this situation!!!!!!

I am off to see what I can do about this. I can NOT venture out on a fully loaded Tiger without bars!

Damn Damn Damn!!!!!

Update... I have found a set of Touratech bars in Seattle. $$$ more money than I had budgeted for the bars through Ma's plus air freight or delay the departure..... I also am waiting to call NZ and talk to the folks at Thunderbike about a set of their crash bars... if I have to spend more, or that much more I might as well get the best.

The pic to the left is the Touratech setup, the second is the Thunderbike set. I think for nearly the same money the Thunderbike set is a better product, but then there is the shipping costs..... while it is Monday evening at 4pm here in Maine, according to the world clock, Thunderbike is just opening for business.. time to ring them up!


'Blue 88' said...

Triumph Om-Line eMail: ''Frank''

If Frank can't help, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Be Good, .. Geoff

'Blue 88' said...

When you get close to departure date and the 'To Do List' still seems huge, .. take a chill pill. You'll throw away half of what your carrying within the first three weeks and begin picking up things that you really need along the way. You'll learn an awful lot about 'improvisation' as you go. Realx,Deep Breath .. and go with what you've got and enjoy the journey, not the tasks... Geoff

'Blue 88' said...

If no luck with Engine bars, .. arrange 'Delivery' ahead on your journey so that you can collect and fit in a few weeks time. For temporary protection: Cover the water hose with flexible plastic conduit (Split the conduit,slide over the lower hose and secure with cable ties). I did this and it saved slashing the hose many times. To protect engine cases, take copper plumbers pipe, slide pipe into the grey foam insulation cover (as used for external water pipes in winter), insulate with exhaust foil and bend around the front of the bike and secure with cable ties. So long as the new tube protects the forward/bottom edges of your engine cases, it will work in a light accident. When you ride to meet your new engine bars, ... dump the temporary affair and smile.